BARCELONA ACTIVA gestiona ofertes d'empreses que necessiten cobrir vacants de personal. Les posicions que es publiquen no són per a Barcelona Activa. NOMÉS ES TINDRAN EN COMPTE LES CANDIDATURES QUE ARRIBIN PER AQUEST CANAL. El Servei de Cerca de Treballadors/es s'adreça a aquelles empreses del territori que necessiten incorporar nous professionals als seus equips i ofereix suport en la identificació de les vacants, el reclutament de personal i la preselecció de candidatures que s'ajustin als perfils sol·licitats.
This job offer is part of the JOB MARKET PLACE managed by BARCELONA ACTIVA with the Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST) in which several R&D companies will participate. It will take place on June 17, from 9:30 to 13:30, at the MediaTIC facilities. This position corresponds to Ficosa.
People who meet the profile requested by the company will be notified.
As a Technical Lead, you will have the expertise and the ability to make novel applied research contributions in computer vision and machine learning. You will have a key role in a diverse team of AI, imaging and software engineers building new computer vision algorithms for autonomous driving.
ESPECIFIC FUNTIONS: Lead the team that develops and validates ML/DL models for vehicle perception. Develop proofs of concept and support their implementation on the embedded platforms - solve real-world problems. Work closely with the company's technical teams. Collaborate closely with the company's research partners. Build compelling demos and present projects results. Candidates that are motivated to solve key vehicle perception problems focused on safety and sustainability of the future urban mobility. You will report directly to the Research Lead in order to coordinate your tasks with other company's R&D projects and contribute to the company's innovation strategy. We expect novel ideas to be patented and/or published in major publications from time to time.
REQUIRED: Ph.D. in computer science or engineering, in areas related to machine learning and computer vision. Track record of publications in renowned conferences and journals and/or industry experience working as a member of a camera/vision research team. Python or C++ programming.
DESIRABLE: Experience with Deep Learning frameworks (Tensorflow, PyTorch, etc.), model architecture design, model training methodologies, and data management.Experience with digital camera systems. Knowledge of cloud-based and GPU heterogeneous compute platforms. Agile development with Git, Bitbucket, etc.