BARCELONA ACTIVA gestiona ofertes d'empreses que necessiten cobrir vacants de personal. Les posicions que es publiquen no són per a Barcelona Activa. NOMÉS ES TINDRAN EN COMPTE LES CANDIDATURES QUE ARRIBIN PER AQUEST CANAL. El Servei de Cerca de Treballadors/es s'adreça a aquelles empreses del territori que necessiten incorporar nous professionals als seus equips i ofereix suport en la identificació de les vacants, el reclutament de personal i la preselecció de candidatures que s'ajustin als perfils sol·licitats.
This job offer is part of the JOB MARKET PLACE managed by BARCELONA ACTIVA with the Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST) in which several R&D companies will participate. It will take place on June 17, from 9:30 to 13:30, at the MediaTIC facilities. This position corresponds to: ONA Therapeutics.
Only people who meet the profile requested by the company will be notified.
Specific tasks:
- Proactively contribute to ONA research activities combining a strong tumor biology/immunology background with solid knowledge and hands on experience
- Design and conduct experimental work both in vitro and in vivo for the profiling of ONA candidates
- Perform data analysis and interpretation of results as required
- Develop new experimental models (in vivo and in vitro) using state of the art technologies
- Participate in company¿s scientific meetings
- Keep up to date of relevant scientific literature on the different company¿s areas of interest
- Write technical documents for public funding grants and regulatory purposes
- Integrate in ONA's scientific team, under ONA's Research Director management
- Support ONA's management team
- Laboratory experience in mouse cancer models and in Functional cell-based assays, Flow cytometry, Cell culture. Ability to plan and conduct experiments and to record and analyze data, in an independent, efficient and organized manner.
- Knowledge of the drug discovery process/biotech industry, monoclonal antibodies, biomarkers development in oncology
- Experience with in vivo imaging techniques and lab software: FlowJO, IVIS, electronic notebook
- Previous experience with public grants writing and management, technical/scientific documents: papers, lab protocols.