
20757MKP - Commercial Director

  • Ubicació: Barcelona (Espanya)
  • Tipus de Contracte: Temporal
  • Jornada: Temps parcial
  • Sector: Altres
  • Vacants: 1
  • Salari: 18000/24000€ Brut/any
  • Disciplina: Màrqueting

Barcelona Activa

BARCELONA ACTIVA gestiona ofertes d'empreses que necessiten cobrir vacants de personal. Les posicions que es publiquen no són per a Barcelona Activa. NOMÉS ES TINDRAN EN COMPTE LES CANDIDATURES QUE ARRIBIN PER AQUEST CANAL. El Servei de Cerca de Treballadors/es s'adreça a aquelles empreses del territori que necessiten incorporar nous professionals als seus equips i ofereix suport en la identificació de les vacants, el reclutament de personal i la preselecció de candidatures que s'ajustin als perfils sol·licitats. 


Descripció de l'oferta

This job offer is part of the JOB MARKET PLACE managed by BARCELONA ACTIVA with the Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST) in which several R&D companies will participate. It will take place on June 17, from 9:30 to 13:30, at the MediaTIC facilities. This position corresponds to: Treellum Technologies.

Only people who meet the profile requested by the company will be notified.


Specific tasks:

- Promoting the company's existing portfolio of reactors and introducing new products to the worldwide market
- Researching and developing marketing opportunities and plans, understanding consumer requirements, identifying market trends
- Developing the future marketing strategy including online media
- Maintaining relationships with important national and international clients by making regular visits, understanding their needs, and anticipating new marketing opportunities
- Staying on top of latest developments in the field of Treellum's products application by attending conferences, and workshops, reading publications, and maintaining personal and professional networks


  • Type of contract: Temporary
  • Contract duration: 1 year extendable to unlimited
  • Working hours: 20h - Half time
  • Salary (or salary range): 18.000 - 24.000


  • Academic training: Degree in Marketing or in Advertising and Public Relations or Degree in Commerce or in Business Administration or equivalent work experience with strong commercial analytical competency.
  • Experience: 2 years minimum
  • Specific requirements: Strong affinity and understanding of engineering and technical development.
  • Competencies and skills required: Possess an in-depth knowledge and understanding of sales and marketing. Proactive and persuasive attitude, can identify and create business opportunities.
  • Languages: Good knowledge of English (written and spoken), Spanish and Catalan
Posició tancada

  • Ubicació: Barcelona (Espanya)
  • Tipus de Contracte: Temporal
  • Jornada: Temps parcial
  • Sector: Altres
  • Vacants: 1
  • Salari: 18000/24000€ Brut/any
  • Disciplina: Màrqueting