BARCELONA ACTIVA gestiona ofertes d'empreses que necessiten cobrir vacants de personal. Les posicions que es publiquen no són per a Barcelona Activa. NOMÉS ES TINDRAN EN COMPTE LES CANDIDATURES QUE ARRIBIN PER AQUEST CANAL. El Servei de Cerca de Treballadors/es s'adreça a aquelles empreses del territori que necessiten incorporar nous professionals als seus equips i ofereix suport en la identificació de les vacants, el reclutament de personal i la preselecció de candidatures que s'ajustin als perfils sol·licitats.
This job offer is part of the Talent Marketplace managed by BARCELONA ACTIVA with the Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST) in which several R&D companies will participate. It will take place on June 30, from 9:30 to 13:30, at the MediaTIC facilities. This position corresponds to: INSTITUT CATALÀ DE NANOCIÈNCIA I NANOTECNOLOGIA (ICN2).
Only people who meet the profile requested by the company will be notified.
We are looking for a Project manager to coordinate the Severo Ochoa Programme 2023-2026 at ICN2. The main tasks and responsibilities are:
- Give administrative support to the Group Leaders responsible of internal calls within SO program.
- Follow up of the project including fellowships calls published at official webpages: proposal guidance, acceptance procedures and financial reporting.
- Financial control (eligibility and availability) of expenses (personnel, consumables, equipment and other direct costs) charge to the SO and all the administrative follow-up of the project (control of changes, communication with administration bodies, etc).
- Control and elaboration of SO financial reports.
- Meet the requirements of internal and external audits.
- Interface with other departments (Strategy, Business and Innovation), researchers and external parties when required.
- Participate in Severo Ochoa meetings and initiatives.
- Keep track and archive all supporting documents related to the Severo Ochoa program.