
10825 - Digital Developer - Accenture

  • Ubicació: Barcelona (Espanya)
  • Tipus de Contracte: Indefinit
  • Jornada: Jornada completa
  • Sector: Internet i tecnologia
  • Vacants: 10
  • Disciplina: TIC

Barcelona Digital Talent

Barcelona Digital Talent impulsa la competitivitat del mercat fent front a l'actual bretxa  de talent digital. Amb l'objectiu de posicionar Barcelona com capital de talent, el programa promou el reskilling en competències digitals dels professionals i l'atracció local i internacional dels nous professionals en el mercat.

BDT gestiona ofertes d'empreses que necessiten cobrir vacants de personal.

Barcelona Digital Talent impulsa la competitividad del mercado haciendo frente a la actual brecha de talento digital.

Con el objetivo de posicionar Barcelona como capital de talento, el programa promueve el reskilling en competencias digitales de los profesionales y la atracción local e internacional de nuevos profesionales en el mercado.

BDT gestiona ofertas de empresas que necesitan cubrir vacantes de personal.

Descripció de l'oferta

Accenture is the place where you can start to show your worth and carry out your career plan with the best professionals. Let yourself be guided by your curiosity and start a professional career in the field of technology consulting in which you can apply and expand your knowledge of new technologies, transform the reality of our clients and continue to grow. The springboard you were looking for into the world of work, just one click away!


You do not have to come with the lesson learned: you will have access to intensive initial training in the leading technologies on the market based on your previous knowledge and interests. If you are motivated to develop your knowledge in: Java, Cloud, DevOps, QA Testing, Mobile App Development (iOS and Android), SAP, Frontend, Backend, Fullstack, or just want to start your professional career in the IT sector ... Join our team and develop the skills you need to create a differential and high-performance career!


  • Permanent contract
  • Schedule: 8 - 18 (M/T) ; 8 - 14:30 (F)
  • Salary: from 20K


  • Computer skills: Java, Cloud, Phyton, .Net, SAP, PHP, etc.
  • Teamwork, Cooperation, Empathy, Initiative
  • Languages: Spanish and English Advanced
Posició tancada

  • Ubicació: Barcelona (Espanya)
  • Tipus de Contracte: Indefinit
  • Jornada: Jornada completa
  • Sector: Internet i tecnologia
  • Vacants: 10
  • Disciplina: TIC